
Perianal Surgery


Some of the diseases of anal canal are: –

  1. Haemorrhoids
  2. Anal fistula
  3. Anal fissures
  4. Pilonidal sinuses
  5. Anal warts
  6. Anal carcinoma.

In day to day life many of us can have these problems and most of the problems get bigger due to the nature of place it occurs, most of the people feels shy to share this.

Most of these occurs due to following reasons: –

  1. Constipation
  2. Low fibre diet
  3. Sedentary lifestyle
  4. Low water intake
  5. Lack of proper hygiene.

Some of the common symptoms: –

  1. Pain while defecation
  2. Bleeding per rectum
  3. Hard stools
  4. Some mass protruding out of the Anus.

These diseases can be cured by various methods: –

  1. Conservative
  2. Surgical.
  3. Ligature/ Lasers / stapled surgery for haemorrhoids.

Self-care tips post rectal surgery: